I have been in the IT business as a programmer and systems analyst since 1985. I have worked in various industries including automobile, retail,
banking, records management and local government. I have strived to stay on the leading edge and keep current with the demands of businesses for
the 21st century.
It is facinating to once have held a storage unit with less than 1mb capacity that was the size of small tire, to having terabytes available
the size of a small book! From the old green on black text to the dyanamic interfaces of today!
Internet or Intranet Applications
To a programmer that has been around for a while, ColdFusion and the Internet are what its all about! To be a part of technology and to see it
come to this is awesome!
Combining ColdFusion and AJAX with other technologies such as jQuery, JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) offers unlimited flexibility.
The idea of using web based development for business applications is becoming more and more accepted and understood in the business community.
There are many advantages to this approach as opposed to desktop applications:
- The first and foremost being access. With our business environments spreading out globally, offering global access to data using web based applications is simple.
- No installation and upgrade issues. New users are simply given a login to the application and away they go. Upgrades and enhancements occur at a central location and are instantly available to the entire user base.
- Supports multiple operating systems. Windows, Linux, Macintosh any operating system that can run the latest browsers will have access to the application.
- Data is backed up at a central location. Failed hard drives, crashed computers are not an issue. The user simply goes to another machine and logs in.
- Security is handled by installing encryption certificates, offering 128 to 256-bit encryption. This encryption prevents "sniffing" and security breaches by encrypting sensitive business data.
- Limitations of web based applications interfacing with desktop application and reporting are now a thing of the past. ColdFusion 9 can now produce reports in PDF, Microsoft Excel,
and RTF formats (Word and WordPerfect compatible) and can also interface with Office applications as well as Microsoft Exchange!
If you are looking to replace your current business application, please give me a call to discuss your project.